School Facilities

Training for the cosmetology/barber, barber, and esthetics programs are conducted in a 22,000-square-foot facility. The classroom is equipped with tables, chairs, erasable white boards, TVs and DVD players. The School is fully equipped to meet the demands of modern hair design. The facility includes four (4) private classrooms, dispensary, wash house, both beginning and advanced clinic floors, reception area and retail store, an impressive stage room for guest artist and demonstrations and counseling offices. The school offers a full time day program and a part time night program. The school rotates the students on the clinic floor and in the classroom. While the adaptive students are on the clinic floor the creative students are in class, then vice versa. By rotating class time and clinic floor time, as well as offering a day and night program, the institution’s space is equipped to handle the number of students enrolled.

Students must abide by local (city and/or landlord) parking rules, which are announced during orientation. Paul Mitchell The School Salt Lake City will not be responsible for parking violations and/or towing fees.

Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Monday - Thursday: 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday

The school director is Tami Thurman, they can be reached in person or by calling 801-266-4693, or by mail at 1969 E. Murray Holladay Road, Salt Lake City, UT 84117.